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William Chay Canul

William holds a technical degree from the Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario, and a BSc degree in Natural Resources Management from the Universidad Marista de Mérida (Yucatán, México). His main interests involve aspects of use and management of water, which led him to participate in projects like “Youth Communicators for Water Stewardship” (partially funded by the US Department of State), and “Breaking the Paradigm” Mexico’s young leaders program (organized by Gen M). He has been awarded the National Young Water Prize 2015 jointly by the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Swedish Embassy in Mexico. In 2019, he was selected to participate in the Latin American Academy for Food Systems Resilience (AALSA) in Cusco, Peru. He is currently a member of SumérgeteMX, a national network that aims to foster water human rights and sanitation in México, and collaborates with a range of grassroots groups such as BACAB A.C., Compañeros de las Américas Yucatán A.C., and Ha’kanules (water guardians) network. He is the founder of the young environmental collective “Yo por el Medio Ambiente” that realize environmental actions and education activities in his community.


Established 2020

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Photos in Peru by Alexis Suarez.

Website last update: 25-12-2024

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