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Media | Press
"Little has been done to recognise ancient Mayan practices in groundwater management"
"Poco se ha hecho para reconocer las antiguas prácticas mayas en la gestión de aguas subterráneas"
Interview by Susan Schneegans
Article for UNESCO, UNESCO COURIER, 3 May 2023
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs [UNOOSA], 4 April 2023
The Tribune, student society of McGill University newspaper, 15 November 2022
Grupos vulnerables, los más afectados con la contaminación del agua en Yucatán [Vulnerable groups are the most affected by the pollution of water in Yucatan]
Punto Medio Peninsular newspaper, 11 October 2019
Entre dos conocimientos, Yolanda López Maldonado, una cientÃfica de origen maya. | Entrevista
[Between two knowledges, Yolanda López-Maldonado, a Maya scientist. | Interview]
Conacyt [National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico], 12 March 2019
Cenotes de Yucatán sufren problemas de contaminación
[Yucatan cenotes suffer pollution problems]
Milenio Novedades newspaper, 6 August 2018
Global Environments Network, From the Community, Story, 2 August 2018
Yucateca comparte sus conocimientos en la ONU
[The Yucatecan woman that travels the world to protect the cenotes]
Milenio Novedades newspaper, 2 May 2017
Rachel Carson Center, News room, 5 June 2016
Mexicana en Alemania estudia contaminación de acuÃferos yucatecos
[Mexican woman studies Yucatan aquifer polution in Germany]
Agencia Informativa Conacyt, 14 June 2015
Obtiene nuevo logro
[A new accomplishment]
Diario de Yucatán newspaper, 23 May 2015
De Tahmek a Múnich
[From Tahmek to Munich]
Diario de Yucatán newspaper, 6 December 2014
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